Carleen Health Institute

of South Florida

Carleen Health Institute

of South Florida


Adaptive Learning

  • Adaptive Learning is interactive technology that supports teaching and improves both student and program outcomes through personalized instruction. In your program of study, each class is complemented by an Adaptive Learning module, which you will be able to access online to help you master key concepts and improve results.

  • Adaptive Learning individualizes the pace of learning and adapts the curriculum and learning activities to the needs of students, to ultimately enhance learning and prepare students for exam success from the first day of class to the exit exam.


Current and prospective students are provided with a number of resources to assist with navigating the academic programs and services offered by Carleen Health Institute of South Florida.  These resources are available so that you will have the tools necessary for achieving academic success and preparing you for future employment.

Download and read the Student Catalog, register for classes, log-in to your student email, access library services, schedule an appointment to speak with an advisor, get assistance with career services, and more.

Take the time to explore and become familiar with all the resources and services provided to you by Carleen Health Institute.